Request for Proposal - Hiring of Firm to Conduct 60 Awareness Sessions
Posted date 16th September, 2024 Last date to apply 26th September, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations Peshawar
Category Community & Social Services

Pakistan Land Registration in Merged Areas Activity

(LRMA) Project

Request for Proposal (RFP)

No. REQ-PES-24-0111

Issue Date: September 16, 2024

WARNING: Prospective Offerors who have received this document from a source other than the USAID-funded Pakistan Land Registration in Merged Areas Activity (LRMA) Project (Contract Number: 7200AA18D00020/72039121F00001)” should immediately contact [email protected] and provide their name and mailing address in order that amendments to the RFP or other communications can be sent directly to them. Any prospective Offeror who fails to register their interest assumes complete responsibility in the event that they do not receive communications prior to the closing date. Any amendments to this solicitation will be issued and sent via email.



Special Note:

For Questions and Queries please respond via

LRMAprocurement @dai.com

For Proposal Submission please respond via

[email protected]


DAI Pakistan Private Ltd (LRMA Project) invites qualified vendors to submit proposals for “Hiring of Firm to Conduct 60 Awareness Sessions . Details are as follows:

  1. 1.      RFP No.


  1. 2.      Issue Date

September 16 ,2024

  1. 3.      Title

Hiring of Firm to Conduct 60 Awareness Sessions

  1. 4.      Issuing Office & Email

LRMA project Office

[email protected].

  1. 5.      Deadline for Queries

September 20, 2024, 5:00 pm local time in Pakistan

Questions to be sent by email to:[email protected]

  1. 6.      Deadline for Receipt of proposals

September 26,2024, 5:00 pm local time in Pakistan.

  1. 7.      Point of Submission

All proposals from vendors must be submitted (in pdf format) to: [email protected]  

  1. 8.      Anticipated Award Type

The anticipated award type is a Firm Fixed Price Purchase Order.  Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates DAI Pakistan to award a subcontract or purchase order and offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their bid. 

  1. 9.      Basis for Award

An award will be made based on the Trade-off,  Source Selection process. For detailed evaluation criteria please refer  attachment – A. The award will be issued to the responsible Offeror submitting the lowest evaluated price that meets or exceeds the acceptability requirements for technical/non-cost factors described in this RFP.

DAI conducts business under the strictest ethical standards to assure fairness in competition, reasonable prices and successful performance or delivery of quality goods and equipment. DAI does not tolerate corruption, bribery, collusion, or conflicts of interest. Any requests for payment or favors by DAI employees should be reported as soon as possible to [email protected] or by visiting www.dai.ethicspoint.com. Further, any attempts by an offeror or subcontractor to offer inducements to a DAI employee to influence a decision will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disqualification, termination, and possible debarment. See provision No. 18 for more details.





Apply By:

For Proposal Submission please respond via

[email protected]

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