Call for Proposals (Impact Assessment Report of Graphic Health Warning & Plain Packaging on Tobacco Consumption)
Posted date 18th September, 2024 Last date to apply 25th September, 2024
Country Pakistan Locations Islamabad
Category Advertising
Type Contractual Position 1

Call for Proposals

HDF is a non-profit organization registered under section 42 of Companies Act, 2017 of the Government of Pakistan. Using a holistic approach, HDF has been working in 05 programs including Social Capital Development, Education & Literacy, Primary Health Care, Economic Development, and Sustainable Environment to address the needs of the marginalized communities of Pakistan. HDF has been working in 40 districts across Pakistan.

1.       Title of the Assignment:

Development of Report on Impact Assessment of Graphic Health Warnings and Plain Packaging on Tobacco Consumption

2. Background:

Tobacco use is a second leading global health crisis, substantially increasing the risk of serious health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases and various cancers. To address these serious health risks, large pictorial health warnings (PHWs) on tobacco products have been adopted as a critical strategy to enhance public awareness, reduce smoking initiation, and encourage cessation. The World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) emphasizes the significance of these measures in Article 11, which mandates the adoption of comprehensive health warnings to safeguard public health.

In Pakistan, about 19.9% of adults—around 31.6 million people—smoke, leading to an estimated 160,000 tobacco-related deaths annually. In response to this public health crisis, the Pakistani government enacted regulations mandating pictorial health warning labels (HWLs) on cigarette packs. Starting in 2010, the size of the warnings was progressively increased to 60% by 2018. Despite these efforts to enhance smoking cessation and prevent initiation, compliance with HWL standards has been inconsistent.

Recent assessments reveal significant issues with adherence to regulatory requirements and the quality of HWLs. A substantial proportion of cigarette packs deviate from official specifications, with persistent discrepancies across various HWL types and manufacturers. This highlights the need for improved enforcement and regular updates to ensure the effectiveness of the HWL regulations.







In alignment with FCTC requirements, this assignment will evaluate the effectiveness of graphic health warnings (GHWs) and plain packaging in reducing tobacco consumption in Pakistan. The assessment will focus on the impact of increased GHW size and intensity, as well as the implementation of plain packaging, on public awareness of tobacco-related health risks, recall of the warnings, and perceived deterrent effectiveness. The scope of the survey includes a diverse population comprising smokers, ex-smokers, and non-smokers, and covers both urban and rural areas across Pakistan. Key topics will address public awareness of health warnings, accuracy of recall, perceived deterrence, and overall impact on smoking behavior. The findings will be instrumental in guiding advocacy efforts and informing necessary policy changes to strengthen tobacco control measures in the country.


3. Objective:

Main Objective: To evaluate the impact of graphic health warnings (GHWs) and plain packaging on tobacco consumption in Pakistan.




  1. 1.       Survey Assessment: To conduct a comprehensive survey in collaboration with the Health Service Academy (HSA) to evaluate the impact of GHW size and intensity on public awareness, recall, and perceived deterrent effectiveness related to tobacco consumption in Pakistan.
  2. 2.       Report Development: To produce a detailed report based on the survey findings, including evidence-based recommendations for policy adjustments regarding GHW size, intensity, and plain packaging.

4. Scope of Work:

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Survey Assessment:
  1. a.     Survey Design:


  • Consultation: Collaborate with public health experts to identify key variables and design survey questions that accurately capture the impact of GHW size, intensity, and plain packaging on tobacco consumption.
  • Pilot Testing: Conduct a pre-test or pilot survey with a small, representative sample to test question clarity, survey layout, and response options. Revise


the survey instrument based on pilot feedback to ensure reliability and validity.


  1. b.     Sampling and Data Collection:


  • Sampling Strategy: Develop a strategy for a diverse, representative sample covering various regions, demographics, and socio-economic statuses. Ensure the sample size is adequate to provide statistically significant results.
  • Data Collection: Conduct the survey using a combination of qualitative and quantitative method, ensuring high response rates and adherence to ethical standards.
  1. Report Development:
  1. a.          Data Analysis:
  • Data Cleaning: Prepare data for analysis by correcting inconsistencies.
  • Statistical Analysis: Perform analyses to uncover trends, correlations, and patterns related to the impact of GHW size, intensity, and plain packaging on public awareness, recall, and deterrent effectiveness.
  • Segmentation Analysis: Analyze data by demographic and regional segments to understand variations in the impact and effectiveness of GHWs and plain packaging across different population groups.
  1. b.         Report Drafting:


  • Findings Summary: Summarize key findings and their impact on public awareness, recall, and perceived deterrent effectiveness.
  • Draft Review: Prepare a draft report and seek feedback from stakeholders to ensure the report’s accuracy and comprehensiveness.

c. Finalization and Presentation:

  • Report Revision: Revise the draft based on feedback to produce a comprehensive final report.
  • Presentation Preparation: Develop a presentation to communicate key findings and policy recommendations to stakeholders effectively.

5. Deliverables and Timelines:


The overall project duration is 9 weeks. Key milestones include:








  1. Survey Design:





Finalized survey instrument, including survey questions and design, based on consultation with public health experts.

1 week from project initiation.

  1. 2.       Pilot Testing:





Completed pilot test report, including feedback and revisions to the survey instrument.

1 week after survey design completion.

  1. 3.       Sampling & Data Collection:





Comprehensive sampling strategy and data collection plan.

1 week after pilot testing completion.


Completed data collection.

2 weeks after sampling strategy approval.

  1. 4.       Report Draft





Draft report summarizing key findings, including the impact of GHW size, intensity, and plain packaging on public awareness, recall, and deterrent effectiveness.

1 week after data collection report.


Revised draft report based on feedback from stakeholders and experts, ensuring accuracy and comprehensiveness.

1 week after draft report submission.


Final report incorporating feedback, including evidence-based recommendations for policy adjustments.

1 week after revised draft report.


Presentation materials and slide deck summarizing key findings and policy recommendations.

1 week after final report.

6. Duration of Contract:


The duration of the contract will be for 9 weeks, starting from the date of contract signing.

7. Consultant Qualifications:

The consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:

  • Expertise in public health research, preferably with a focus on tobacco control.
  • Experience with evaluating tobacco control measures.
  • Proficiency in survey design, data analysis, and report writing.
  • Strong written communication skills
  • Knowledge of FCTC guidelines, especially regarding GHWs and plain packaging.
  • Ability to collaborate with reputable institutes and organizations.

8. Reporting:

The consultant will report to Arooj Rajput at Human Development Foundation (HDF). Regular updates on progress should be provided as per the agreed schedule.

9. Payment Terms:

Payments will be made in installments based on the completion of key milestones.

  • 30% upon contract signing.
  • 30% upon submission of the draft report.
  • 40% upon submission of the final report and presentation.

10. Proposal Submission Requirements:

Interested consultants should submit:

  • A detailed proposal outlining methodology, work plan, and timeline.
  • A financial proposal detailing costs.
  • CVs of key personnel.
  • Examples of previous relevant work.

Submission Deadline: September 25, 2024.

11. Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on:

  • Relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Quality and feasibility of the proposed methodology and work plan.
  • Previous experience with similar projects.
  • Understanding of FCTC guidelines.
  • Cost-effectiveness and value for money.
  • Credibility and validation by reputable institutions.

12. Contact Information:

For any queries related to this ToR, please contact at [email protected].

13. Submission Detail:


All individuals / firms are encouraged to submit their proposal by using the following method.


Electronically: [email protected]

By Hand / Courier: 19- A, Mezzanine Floor, Pak Plaza, AK Fazal ul Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad

Deadline: Not later than Wednesday, 25th Sep, 2024 by 03:00pm




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